The ISE is the UK’s leading independent voice for student employers, those who hire and develop graduates, apprentices and school leavers. Our vision is that the success of every business is maximised by full access to student talent. We achieve this by bringing together employers, the education sector and supplier partners, providing leadership and support in all aspects of student recruitment and development.

Our activities include:

  • Promoting excellence and innovation in the resourcing, assessment and development of emerging talent including school leavers, apprentices and graduates
  • Providing expert information and insight to our member organisations, creating engaged communities for professional networking and sharing of best practice
  • Delivering comprehensive research on a range of issues affecting graduate, intern and apprenticeship recruitment and development, including current and future trends and benchmarking data
  • Investing in the professional development of members to enhance their skills and knowledge, maximising their career opportunities within the profession
  • Influencing key policy areas affecting student employment and the education sector
  • Building a strong professional organisation with the right structure and team capabilities to deliver the services and support members require to fulfil their objectives.


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